Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm back!!! Watch out!!!

So yeah, like the title says... I'm back in a country that does not suck so bad. I got back about a week ago and have been trying to get situated in my new room as well as trying to wrap my head around the restored pseudo-freedom I obtained through relocation. I have been kind of neglecting my family because of this but do not worry my dear family members and estranged friends, I will be in contact with you all soon.

I've only got a crappy pay-as-you-go cell phone for now, but come the 22nd I'll be getting this bad boy -, this is the OS, don't know what phone comes with it but I know I want it. I recently purchased the new Zune 120GB player, and it rocks way too much. The marketplace features a vast collection of songs, videos, and pod casts. For $14.99 (the cost of a CD) per month you can download all the music you want... catch is, when you don't pay the music stops working. I think it's a good deal though considering that I love music and must keep myself updated on the 'good stuff' (very opinion driven as to what that means). There I go on another tangent of mine... but I digress...

It is great to be back, and although it is not painful in any way to talk about my 15 months in Iraq, it is very boring, and this blog of mine is not going to address any part of those 15 months specifically, save the occasional mentioning of a pleasant anecdote of my times there. Trust me when I say that there were not many pleasant happenings in a place I and others came to know as 'Satan's A**hole.' Sound great doesn't it? No, the purpose of this blog is to inform of the here, now, and future shenanigans that Joseph Michael Gollaher will undoubtedly be wrapped up in. With this blogs purpose defined, and with its familial orientation, I will hereby abstain from the use of profanity, lewd remarks, and utilize censorship as best I can to provide an entertaining, informative, and very biased view into what makes me tick, and, like I said before, and insight into the shenanigans that will surely ensue that are worthy of notation.

So please, sit back in your comfy (or not so comfy) computer chair and try to enjoy my perspective and self-proclaimed wit and awesome story telling ability in this and many other posts that will follow. Go ahead... grab a drink (Dr. Pepper is my preference) and scroll along as I recount the events of my life and prepare thyself to mentally enter the paradigm that I live with today and watch me grow (hopefully in a positive way) as the days of our lives fly by.

Do me a favor though... A personal favor...

Enjoy yourself.

If you don't I will be personally offended and the ramifications of offending me are definitely to great for you to bear. I am sure of this.


Nater said...

Welcome Joe. Love the word "amazinglitudeness." It fits both of us for sure! Love the complete sentances too! Look forward to reading about your insights, challenges, and successes!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are back in America! This blog sounds promising. I'm eager to see where the Adventures of Joseph Gollaher takes us and can't wait to hear about all the crazy folk that you may encounter. Don't omit too much. hahaha

In the very near future....I plan to impregnate the minds of the masses with a blog of my own. You will be amongst the first to hear about it.

Take care bro.


Oh, and it says anonymous because I was too lazy to sign up for a User ID. lol

Janessa Taylor said...

HEy! Nater, you never comment on MY blog...

Joseph Gollaher said...

Janessa Taylor should make that comment on Nathan's page instead. Janessa should definitely make a comment with regards to the post and not bring drama to the sanctity of this page lest I loosen my grip on the bridle that holds my wrath in check.

I still love you Newie :)

Phil and Becca said...

Seriously, nice use of punctuation and capitalization. I'm so proud! I am so excited that you entered the blogging world and that you'll keep it PG rated. you are awesome. It'll be nice to stay in touch.

annmariego said...

I am amazed, after reading your emails I would have never guessed you to have such a flair and amazing wit with the english language. I would like to remind you (since you have been away from the family that we all love so dearly) with FIVE sisters one super divine sister-in law there is ABSOLUTELY no way to avoid DRAMA. It goes hand in hand with this bunch. The drama comes because of the deep love we have for one another that drives us to have daily chats with one another (or it could be that we are all putting away laundry and just need someone to talk to make the dreaded job barely survivable.) Who DO YOU TALK to when you put away laundry? Feel free to give me a call, and we can have some drama together. Love YOU!

Janessa Taylor said...

OK fine..sorry, I was going to write a comment to you...don't know how I forgot--but hey, I made you a background, right? Very excited about your blog--nice first post!! I'm awaiting more updates, and am very excited to see you tomorrow!!! YAY!