Alright... For a combination of my family's nagging and re-filling my 'focus' prescription, I'm updating this page. Although a lot of time has passed, there are only a few things I really feel compelled to write. Eat it up!
Computer issues were resolved after a couple complaints to the Better Business Bureau, but more have presented themselves... I just hope this won't take until next year to resolve. When everything (without going into detail) is fixed I'll be able to record some tracks and send them out to whoever wants them so keep checking up on me about that.
My shrink/pusher-man, Dr. Kean, sent me to a sleep study. They found out that on top of me being completely messed up, I was experiencing what they call 'hypnagogic hallucinations' and 'sleep paralysis'. Well, what this means really is that I am inexplicably exhausted all the time. This type of sleep disorder occasionally occurs with people who work hard for 18+ hours a day in jobs of a physical nature. I just thought they were really vivid nightmares. Here is how it breaks down... In normal sleep there are certain phases that your body goes through before reaching that yummy REM sleep stage where you get all the good rest & restorative benefits of unconsciousness. So, I hit the pillow and my body says, "why am I going through all these phases again?" and I jump the queue and go straight for the REM stage. I guess I'm even impatient in my sleep! In this half-sleep/half-awake stage that I get caught up in, I get paralyzed from the neck down with pins-and-needles sensations all over my body. My brain is forcing itself into dream land during this time so I basically am helplessly frozen in a dream that always turns bad. Nobody likes to feel helpless and that is why its always a nightmare for me. I see people and hear voices that aren't there and stuff set in whichever environment I tried to sleep in with vivid clarity. I guess you could drop some acid and have the same effect but that would be foolish. Fortunately this does nothing but suck with no short/long term effects and my perceived 3 hours like this is really only a couple seconds. Interesting?
I have been getting in trouble for waking up late and stuff even with six different alarms to wake me up but this should help my case for any kind of UCMJ action pending.
I'm tired of writing for now. I'll finish this tomorrow. My apologies for ending so abruptly.